amazing i just love this game so much i cant get rid of it it is just plain fun
it is one of the best cooking games for the ds
their are lots of thing to make like pizza,cake,mama cookie
lots of colour that make the game bright and happy
the cover is bight too some of the food you make are hard to master some are easy
their are lots of thing to unlock
this game is really fun.i just can`t put it down
you can get trophies
you can decorate your diary you don`t use any buttons
multiplayer is not very good though
once you have finished it
gets a bit boring
and it is kind of the same as cooking mama
so i think you should buy this game if you are NOT a hardcore gamer ,like me
buy it for little kids or pre teens or if you like cooking and you don`t have to play cooking mama
overall my score i gave it 8.5/10
thx for everbody who read my review
hope it helped
and have fun,bye