Wait for the 20 release. But its a decent rental and kinda fun.

User Rating: 7.6 | Cooking Mama: Minna to Issho ni Oryouri Taikai! (Dream Age Collection Best) WII
I never got to try the DS version of this. I REALLY wanted to! but now ive tryed it and all i can say is its pretty decent but at 50 bucks...ehhh ill rent. Cook off is basiclly the original cooking mama with a few more dishes. Gameplay is a little half and half. Its fun and a idea outside the box, but the bone doesn't have alot of meat so to say. The controls can go from good to bad like that but otherwise its kinda fun. Graphics are kinda trippy if you as me. a poor way to bring 2d into a 3d envirement but its kinda decent. most of the sound is voiceacting from a japanise woman who can barely speak english and don't get me started on the "friends" voices! All in all its a decent rental but if you want a cooking game than just wait till it goes to 20 bucks