A storyline soon forgotten, but a game to remember!
Cosmo is an alien stuck on a foreign planet...and that's just about all you need to know. The 2D platformer throws you through colorfully built alien worlds stocked with flailing green angry-headed plants, rolling purple enemies that drop from the sky using parachutes, and plenty of cool-looking fruits and gems to hike up your score.
Though the gameplay is somewhat similar throughout the many levels, the experience is surprisingly long and the platforming startlingly fun. The graphics are effective and you will inevitably find yourself both perplexed and impressed with the creature designs. In addition, the bonus levels add an interesting and pleasurable breakup from the story.
If you are looking for a deep game, search elsewhere. But if you want to have some fun (at no cost!), give Cosmo and his toilet-plunger hands a try. You won't regret it.