Very good fun, loads of imagination, but quite repetitive and too short...
The game is great. I love the design, and the cell-shading is so well done I'm sure the game will be timeless. You wear costumes and when you enter a battle the kids/heroes become a real live version of their costumes with their strength, weaknesses and special attacks. Just fun.
The big problem is the game is quite repetitive. When you fight you only have 2 options: normal attack or special attack, but you can only use your special attack once every 3 turns, so the battle strategy is dull in these turn-based battles.
You mix things up slightly with battle-stamps: each character can hold one in battle and it can grant an extra skill or added bonus, which don't really get interesting until half way through the game.
Everything is fun, but the battles get repetitive, once you've tried all the costumes, you get annoyed, but keep going because the story is good and the rest is fun. The game is too short, it's missing something... Just so that the end isn't just a dull boss battle like all the other battles, just longer, not harder.
In the end, this is fun, but the story, the design, and the imagination behind the game makes it good, not the gameplay. The graphics are great, the costumes are fun, the quests are a laugh and the characters are well written, but for 1200 Microsoft points, I was expecting something longer. I finished this 100%, with all achievements, in 1 day... Good day of gaming though!