One The Best Mutiplayer Game Pack Available! Serious!! ...... CS 1.6,CZ,CZ:DS,DOD,DM Classic,Ricochet....its a MUST BUY

User Rating: 9.3 | Counter-Strike 1: Anthology PC
Your Role affects your Team success and Your Team Success affects your Role!!!

Counter-Strike: Anthology:-

By, Scorpio_gamer a.k.a Neerajkumar_4


In this game you get CS 1.6, CZ , CZ: DS, DOD, DM Classic , Ricochet. So you get yo play these games online ! its a MUST BUY GAME !.

About Counter- Strike 1.6 & Zero:-

The game is very simple! You have 2 teams of 5 members each (CLAN matches) one is the Terrorist [T] and other is the Counter-Terrorist [CT]. The Terrorist can win rounds by detonating the bomb on the one of the two bomb sites available (bomb site A and B) or by eliminating the Counter-Terrorists. The Counter-Terrorist should just do the vice-versa; they should defuse the bomb or should kill all the Terrorists. You have different maps to be played on. I was explaining you the bomb planting maps (de_). There are other maps like hostage rescue (CS_), Save the VIP, Aim maps (aim_), custom maps (fy_), etc….there are thousands of maps available on the net for free download, there are many people who create maps.

Few of the famous maps are de_dust2, awp_india, de_aztec, de_cbble, de_train, de_assault, de_inferno. Few maps favor a team; they should use it properly to win rounds.(A map is space where you both the teams spawn opposite to each other, it has building and other stuff, it’s just like a part of any normal game but the surroundings are limited to a certain amount. You can’t walk out of the map)

This game is one of the most online played games and it is one of the best FPS games ever. Actually, it was MOD of the best seller Half-Life which later became a famous online shooter and its one of the games in all gaming tournaments and the popular WCG (World Cyber Games). You can play the game with Bots (computer players) offline and online. It can be played between different numbers of players but in tournament you play as a team of 5 members.


The game should be played with strategy. You have to buy your weapons sensibly; you have to save your money for remaining rounds by not buying useless stuff.
You have to move quickly to hold position so you must use a knife while running to that you could reach there first and camping should be minimal. Camping can be done along with moving; I mean move take a or few enemies down, then camp , the look for another and so on ; but remember to take cover at all times. Most of them try to get head shots to get one shot kill!

Games are played in short rounds, and when you're killed, you sit out the round as an invisible observer; there are no death match-style respawns.

This game is similar to CS: 1.6 ; its jus with the addition of the a single player mode. There are two types to single player modes in this game one is the mission based mode and one is a story mode named deleted scenes. In the mission based mode you earn points and make your own team to beat the bots.


CS 1.6's graphics is outdated! CZ is pretty nice! few modifications to environment from 1.6 ! over all pretty good ! Sound:-

The gun sounds are gud enough and the radio commands are decent. The game has a decent sound.


This review was review cum guide! :D This game jus rocks! The update of 1.5 is 1.6 is very famous, it’s obvious that every one play 1.6 not 1.5 anymore. The CS:CZ is not that popular, its jus a crap of single player mode, the single player su*ks! But the multi player is good as 1.6, there is no difference between them. My Favorite guns are M4A1, CV-47, Deagle and default pistols..., Magnum Sniper(AWP). The shield feature in this game is not available for the tourneys coz its kinda unfair.
The next version CS: Source is really fun to play. The multiplayer rocks rocks !! :) i love CSS too ! Graphics - 8/10

Sound- 9/10


Replay Value: 10/10

Overall- 9/10

Scorpio_gamer:- “Remember there is NO such thing as GAME OVER!!
So keep GAMING….!!”