A great collection featuring the original and the much hated CZ and Deleted Scenes.
CZ: Condition Zero
DS: Condition Zero Deleted Scenes
Honestly, I dont know why everyone hates CZ and DS. DS was something I wanted out of CS.
1.6: The gameplay is what spawned all the hype online. This version didnt feature the bots, so you had no choice but to play online, through lan, or explore the levels by yourself. Needless to say, it didnt have much to feature except fun when played online. Except for when people shot through the walls all the time. And the idiots that wont move because theyre afk.
CZ: People hated CZ for some reason. No one will tell me. I like how it improves on the original by adding some levels, some weapons, more character skins, and the fact that it included the bots. Now, instead of cheating idiots online, you can play against cheating bots offline.
DS: Something Ive always wanted to see Counter-Strike do was offer single player action. Deleted Scenes did just that. Albeit the lack of online play brings the game down a little bit, thats what CZ is for.
1.6: The graphics are somewhere between mid-Windows 98 and Windows 2000 era. In other words, youre not going to be impressed here. The fact that you can shoot through walls sheds some light on just how unreal the game was and still is. But only certain guns can shoot through them, so that doesnt mean you can just shoot a handgun and expect to get a headshot through a wall.
CZ: The Xbox Counter-Strike game graphics are the same as Condition Zero's. In fact the game was based off of it. I think they took away the wallshoot ability. But it still doesnt make the game less fun.
DS: The graphics are the same as CZ. So if youve never played it, you'll never know what it looks like. Lets just say its not exactly based off of the Source Engine.
1.6: The sound is nothing special. The guns sound different from each other, the flashbangs actually have no bang. Just flash. The footsteps are unusually loud and can be heard easily.
CZ: The sound is the same as 1.6.
DS: The sound is not the same as 1.6. Helicopters are added, beeping buttons, several other sounds are new.
1.6: The value for this game is practically null now that Source is out. But its often good to go back and visit what once was.
CZ: Regardless of what people say bad about this game, I think its better than 1.6
DS: This game is good after a few plays. But after the second time, you already know what to do, making it no longer fun.
When I heard that EA was publishing this game, I thought they would completely take it over and change it. I was wrong, its the same thing as when it was first released. Which I think it was just a mod at first. This game is one I highly recommend. 3 games for $40 (or lower), what more can you ask for?