I bought this game only to get a early look at C.S. Source and I was pleasantly suprised (maybe due to low expectations)
User Rating: 7.7 | Counter-Strike: Condition Zero PC
I bought this game only to get a early look at C.S. Source and I was pleasantly suprised (maybe due to low expectations). I liked CS, but I don't play it regularly. Lately it's gotten to the point that most people still playing it are so much better than me it just irritating. For me, Condition Zero was a good way to enjoy the CS game in more controlled environment. If you have tried playing with other attempts at CS bots you will appreciate how good the Condition Zero bots are. They play like real players. They know their way around the maps, they charge, they camp, and they can actually complete objectives (bombing, difusing, rescuing hostage). What's really cool is that the bots take different approaches each round (just like playing with live people) so you'll rarely see a map play the same way twice in a row. The replay value is as good as online play. The bots aren't perfect. For example: the bots spam grenades with no enemies in sight doing far more damage to your team than the enemy. But when I consider everything that's right I'm still impressed. The "Deleted Scenes" are pretty bad. The nice thing about seeing them is that it proves Valve has the cahones to go back to the drawing board if it sees junk. Raises my hopes for HL2.