Pretty good but is it worth getting?
When it comes to the controls, I feel like i'm gliding across the map when running. Basically how the controls feel when playing duke nukem 3D. It doesn't feel like the other games I have played. But however, one thing I really like about this game is that you can use different controllers for the game, as in, PlayStation Move, PlayStation Sharpshooter, the regular PlayStation Controller AND... a keyboard and mouse. Yes I just said that. KEYBOARD. AND. MOUSE.
This isn't your usual FPS where you can Aim Down your Sights (ADS). You can't in this game. The only time you can is if you have a scope and that makes the whole screen zoom in. You can't see the outside of your scope like you can in other FPS games. I'm not sure if all scopes will zoom in and will do so in that way but I have to say that it does sucks a little bit that you cannot really ADS. I feel like I'm praying and spraying sometimes but it's good.
It's not that much of a big deal where it will make me stop playing though. In fact all of those that I've listed above isn't going to stop me but from what I have seen, that could possibly be a deal breaker for some.
It has a few gaming modes. Classic Casual, Classic Competitive, Arms Race, and last but not least, Demolition. If you are a person that loves to play TDM (Team DeathMatch), where your only objective is to kill and be the first team to reach the score limit for the match, they do not have that mode in this game. Just a heads up.
This is my first Counter Strike game. For veterans, it may be great. But to new comers of the series like my self, we would possibly feel otherwise do to us being used to MW3, BF3, KZ3, and other FPS shooters out there (as in how they played) . And to be honest, compared to them, I'd rather be playing any of the other FPS out there. I'll play it a couple of times to get my $12 out of it but it's really nothing but hype. I don't see anything spectacular about it. I'm not saying the game sucks by any means but I have played better and for less money at that (Modern Combat: Domination).
Is it worth playing? It's worth a try. Is it worth $15 ($12 for plus)? It's all up to you on this one. I really wouldn't recommend it but if you're thinking "well it's only $15/$12" then go ahead. I may do so for a CS vet but other than that, no. I give it a score of 7.6 out of 10.
It may have almost 5 stars on the playstation store but don't believe the hype. This game is overrated.