This game never made it big on consoles. It's OK but nothing compared to the PC version.

User Rating: 7.5 | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive X360
Everybody knows the good ol' days Counterstrike. And if you didn't you missed out on an era of balanced online shooting at it's finest. But that was for the PC. Wish i still had a decent computer to run this!

360 version just falls flat. I don't know why but it just never caught on. Remember when they first tried to release this game on orig Xbox? It was freakin terrible!

Majority of the maps are old and if your new to the series your going to get your a$$ handed to you over and over. Luckily I still remember all the spots so I did OK.

Weapons have branched out a little more variety but still very balanced.

Graphically it looks outdated compared to modern day shooters. But for $15 you can't go wrong.

All in all it's an OK game. But it just doesn't have the same gameplay compared to a WASD keyboard and mouse which is what this game was molded to be. Any controller just doesn't feel the same.