counter-strike source has overshadowed the game its attatched to in perfectness.
User Rating: 9.9 | Counter-Strike: Source PC
this is the multyplayer to half-life as you guys know. heres what happens if you dont know counterstrike- you shoot terrorrists(t) if ur a ct -you shoot counter-terrorrists(ct) if ur a t. -you get money but winning rounds. -you bu gadgets and guns to help you win. it all blends for perfect gameplay that you cant stop at. the water effects seeam more used than half-life 2 here in that the whole physics and everything actually works. In my half-life 2 review i may have pissed some people off by giving the graphics a 9. I stand on that and counterstrike dodges this because the reson i didnt give the graphics a 10 is fixed here (note i may change the ratings of any game so ear with me.) . its multiplayer only so its natural that the replay value is infinite. soundis used great and all the radio speak is good and all but the sound isnt perfect. its superb but not perfect.. all and all this is a superb component of an allready superb game. bring on the mod community.