Counter Strike Source : CSS is an incomplete game missing many maps and modifications still needed up to this date. CSS was not ready to come to the market but Valve decided since it was launching HL2 it should come with a little extra known as CSS, The game graphics are absolutly amazing, i love them but the game play is just not ready yet. Up to this day u only have 2 uniforms and Valve always announces new ones coming out but yet never do. The Maps are also incomplete or unfhinished making the make seem a bit unconfortable. Other than that the weapons look real nice and the recoils are much different than CZ or CS 1.6 wich means if your stuck playing cz for a while and go to CSS it will make it very difficult for u to get ur recoils together but once you get the hang of it its total pro kills. In my opinion i think they should come up with more fun maps to play because the maps engines are different, meaning you cannot play cz or cs 1.6 maps on it.
When the original counter strike came out,it was a instant hit. Counter strike : Source is technically a remake of the original Counter strike,that adds in new weapons and new maps. The graphics use the best graphi... Read Full Review
I first played Counter-Strike when I got 1.6 back in 2003 (a late player I know, but I was younger). Naturally, I was hooked for many months. Even though I sucked big time at it, I found it so addicitive. I got Half-Life... Read Full Review