Still probably the best FPS i've played, the original tweaked but essentially the same game..

User Rating: 9.3 | Counter-Strike: Source PC
Its counter strike!! its better than UT2004, Doom3, Raven Shield, and battlefield 2.
Ok the graphics aren't really anything special by todays standards but they get the job done just fine, you get blood splatter and bullet hole decals and you can see images moving in your sight optics.
The grenades work well though the actual HE grenades seem a bit under powered, the flashbang is very nicely done.
The guns! the guns make counterstrike great and they seem to have been tweaked to perfection in this latest incarnation, most of the guns now are reasonably effecitve and the semi auto sniper rifles are actually good :-0
If you havent played CS then you don't know what you're missing, the guns have great feel to them and there are very real differences between the weapon types, accuracy, penetration, damage, ROF, recoil, recoil pattern...
Bots have been added to the game and are actually rather good, they dont do alot of the stupid things the bots used to do in the mods to the original version, though they do tend to wander around in a large pack. The bots even speak, giving reports on what they're doing and enemy movements etc.
1 of the things I most love about this game above other "realistic" FPS games is that there is there are a wide variety of objects that can be shot though, e.g. crates pillars, walls, doors, air vents etc.. Adds an extra dimension to gameplay.