Great multiplayer
Players have different skins. After every round teams get money, winning team gets more then losers.
There's Pistols, Smg's, Rifles, Machine guns, Equipment to buy, in Equipment is stuff like Helmet, Armor, Nightwision, Defuse kit, Grenades (flash, frag and smoke).
Game is very realistic as you can shoot through boxes, doors,...
There's a lot of maps, a lot of custom maps to download...
Few bugs, like.. jumping on roofs where you're hard to be seen,...
There're 2 different snipers to have.. Scout and AWP, Scout is cheap so it's hard to kill anyone with it, unless it's head-shot you'll need at least 2 shoots to kill someone, AWP is very expensive, kills a person in 1 shoot in 90%, it's hard to no-aim with AWP.
On few weapons there's Bust mode, means it shoots like 3-5 bullets as one.
On few weapons there's Aim mode, means you can zoom to better hit enemy far away..
A lot of mods, like Gun Game, where you start with pistols and end with grenades, first one to end is a winner.
RPG mode, you get levels for killing people, with levels you can upgrade yourself, invisibility etc....