counterstrike , the word brings joy to any pc gamers hearts . and source is one you will be playing for a while to come.

User Rating: 9.7 | Counter-Strike: Source PC
u have to be a total noob to not have heard of cs , but for those who havnt heard of cs and its big brother half life , well now hl2 and css have came out.

counterstrike is all about teamwork and true aiming of your gun. if you like spraying your gun , running around uncovered and shooting teammates plase dont even think of getting this game.

but if your seious youll find real substance in this game , thats why ppl stick around , u have to burst 2-3 shots , aim , croutch , talk to team mates , keep quiet.

the graphics
are amazing and youll love them , their not as good as fear but youll be happy that you can max everything out with 100fps or so on a nvidia 6800.
this is definately a lan favorite and an internet favorite game , bots are ok but its human interaction that makes this game great.