Gaming Competition with schoolmates doesn't get any better than this

User Rating: 8.5 | Counter-Strike: Source PC
I find this one of the best game to challenge friends to play a 7 v 7 "friendly" game after school

It takes very short time to get the idea of how to play,but may take longer to perfected the skills to play with friends and online

Removing the CT shied is an excellent choice as it doesn't help atl fighting up against all skilled players who knows a way-or-two to fight "around" the shield

Playing online may be frustrating as one mistime calculation could prove to be fatal... "Watch out for AWP'ers!" there are so many "match winners" out there...

Lots of Mods that alter the normal game-play, which is cool...
(I was obsessed with the "Zombie Swarm" server, I think I got to Level 100, but after formatting my PC, I have to start over, I thought that the server uses a real time online recording system, but it didn't, so I got pissed, the idea of restarting over after all that work is not worth doing for the second time)

My best moment playing CSS with my friends was this one time...4 vs 4...I was a CT...playing Dust team all died...4 vs 1 (I was the one)...1 on 1 with one of my friend, I was on 3hp after that encounter (i killed him, obviously)... then two of them were hiding behind "the box" i sprayed the box on the opposite side with bullets, and they died...(ROFL)...then I knifed the last one after he missing a whole mag. of AK-47..."Ownage!"..........I ended up grabbing 80 kills with only 9 deaths and the second best only got 57 kills with 21 deaths.....and of course there is this cocky friend, a Mongolian (Me and the rest are Thais)...he was saying he's the best he only get 50 kills with 4 death (he was on CT as well) (the reason for the high kill/low death is that he always the last of the pack and always kill-steal)...

Rule No.1 "Never make friend with a Mongolian....Rule No.2 "If you can't prevent rule No.1, don't invite him/her to play Counter Strike"...