Counter Terrorists win! >_>

User Rating: 7.3 | Counter Strike XBOX
Counter Strike for the Xbox is probably a game best played on Xbox live. Although its entertaining to play against bots, after awhile it gets abit boring. A feature it also lacks is co-op and deathmatch play. Even though the PC versions of the game dont have those features i thought the Xbox version might. So it was a litle dissapointing. I think the only way to play Counter Strike on multiplayer is to system link to Xbox's and do it that way.

The graphics for this game are superb just as good as the PC version. There arent to many bugs in the graphics, its pretty solid which is good to see. The audio is pretty much the same as the PC version of the game to.

So if you have Xbox live and like First Person Shooters then this is the game for you. And if you dont i reccomend renting it or buying it pre-owned. It provides a good couple of hours solid gameplay depending on the person. And you can invite some friends over, system link a couple of Xbox's and take each other on,