This game is sick! It brings me way back. Although not played often anymore, it still has servers with people playing...
CS: Condition Zero is pretty fun, but all in all, CS 1.6 takes the cake.
I used to play this game way back when with my brother at computer cafes, and compared to the current standard on video games, this game is primative; but with a slowly breaking hunk-of-junk computer, I take what I can get. I still play and enjoy this game.
One problem though, is lack of servers available. Alot of the servers that have actual people (over half of the servers now on 1.6 are all bots) aren't very fun, and i find myself being mic spammed by little kids/people from other countries, ETC
But when you DO find a good server, nothing beats a competitive match of CS! (except some COD:MW2 but kinda console-less :( )