unrivaled fps multiplayer
I tell u...it's cause there are 1) need of experience - u can't start playing today and tommorrow beat the best or even in a yeartime u couldn't! This is to know the maps....every map...every hiding place in every map...shoot through smoke with any weapon...and beat you opponent...throw a grenade almost perfect...
2) u need a below perfect aim...accuracy...efficiency...for that actually u need experience more than ever. 3) there are many weapons...and here each weapon has a type of shooting...so u'll say all weapons are good at something. But that's false; the archrivals: M4A1 vs CV-47 are top class and also other archrivals: Steyr AUG vs KRIEG 552 that are also top class but less used:) there are also sniper rifles Schmidt Scout - that is a swift but less deadlier sniper(2shot=1kill rarely kills from 1shot if enemy is not equiped with kelvar helm - that's acutally available to any weapon:P OR if headshot 1shot=1kill obviously - that's also available to any weapon) Well I made a little sum about weapons it seems;) Oh and there are the grenades of course(handG - deals area damage; smokeG - lowers area visual for a long period of time ; and flashG - lowers visual for a short period of time to all players that see the grenade detonate) and there is the typical 2-mission styles:
1 - hostage rescue : terrorists protect hostages while counter-terrorists try to save them(race against time for cs)
2 - bomb : counter-terrorists protect bases while terrorists attempt to plant the bomb in one of them and bomb has to destroy target for mission success(race against time for t)
So once again I say that this game IS the best FPS multiplayer for all it has!