Counter-Strike on the Xbox doesn't compare to its PC counterpart

User Rating: 7.6 | Counter Strike XBOX
When Counter-Strike first was released on the Xbox, I was very excited to finally play Counter-Strike for the first time. Some of my friends talked about how great it was on the PC and I wanted to see what the fuss was about. I played it and thought it was good, but nothing great. It was ok offline and I found the game to be somewhat better when I finally got Xbox Live.
The game like the PC game has two game modes and each mode has each team having an objective to accomplish. One mode has the counter terrorists trying to rescue a group of hostages and the terrorists trying to prevent the counter terrorists from rescuing them. The other mode is one where the terrorists will try and plant a bomb and blow up a target and the counter terrorists will be trying to stop them from doing so. The game also includes levels from the PC game like Dust.
Before you start each round of the game, you can buy new equipment with money that you earned from previous rounds of playing. There are sniper rifles, handguns, shotguns, assault rifles, grenades, body armor, a swat shield for the CTs and a dual pair of handguns for the terrorists. Each team has a few guns for that one team to use. The counter terrorists can use the swat shield and an M16 like rifle, while the terrorists can use two different types of AK like rifles and can use a uzi like smg.
The game online is where the game is best with people using the headset to communicate with each other. The game offline is still good, but will get repetitive faster than online because the bots don't compare to an actual player online. If you have the capabilities then you should definitely play this game on the PC, but if you don't and have an Xbox and Xbox Live I would recommend that you give this game a try.