y'now, it isn't fps or overhyped game, so it doesn't deserve good score, right?
this is the case.
i will divide this review into single parts like gameplay, story graphics etc.
story: one day, french ambassador goes on important meeting to St. Petersburg on a specially armed and equiped train named blue harvest. ambassador is guarded by N.A.T.O soldiers and agents. you are their lieutenant,Jack Morton [a bit ripoff name] , and you have to protect him at all costs. suddenly 3 choppers attack the train and things go downhill. large terrorist force destroys every member of N.A.T.O on train and ambassador and his family is kidnapped. you have to save them.
now while this looks a bit like typical Hollywood story, you will get by. it is still gripping enough to entertain you.
gameplay: combat was a bit refined since RE. you have now a marker showing if your enemy was targeted as well as no aiming button. while this may feel a bit odd to re fans, worry not, because it is 10 times better. you don't have to aim, jack aims automatically so you are given much more flexibility.
there are also lot of minigames [bomb disarming, covering train with machine gun tower, matching the speed of other train to get back to blue harvest....to name few]
graphics: they are better than re in any case, characters look much better and not that blocky, though don't expect something awesome, this is ps1 after all.
sound: guns sound realistic, unlike re [i don't want to bash it, but there is huge difference], music is quite cool
[here is sample : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Njv_6381MBw&feature=related] and over all sound score fits just right in the story's theme.
story: weakest part of game though it is sufficient 6.8
gameplay: colorful and healthy definitely a strong point. 9.0
graphics: for ps1, impressive 8.0
music: perfectly fits the game and can be listened separatedly
what more to desire? 8.6
overall i give it 8-point-five. dont let GS turn you from this game, it would be great mistake. what would you expect from a site that fires a reviewer for giving a bad score to bad game, even though said makers paid for that review?