Crack down was one the first game, on Sega Mega Drive 16-bit, I got my hands on when I was seven, ouf! good old days. The game is about two commandos or spies or whatever they might be in this particular occurence, sent on a mission to basically destroy the ennemy. It's playable by one or two players, you will be given ammunition you will have to be cautious about, because as I said it's about destruction, so you will have set bombs in specific places and get the heck outta there before it CRACKS DOWN. After thinking about it, it's a pretty good story only asking to be dealt with a bit deeper approach. Talking of the game itself, I've never played a game this long, so long, and you barely see the characters on the screen for they're so little. Well, it's a shame that a game like this be this dissapointing, it could spawn some sequels of really good qualities. If you haven't played this, you probably never will so don't bother checking out in your gamestore
Crack Down is a top-down action shooter, like a modern Gauntlet, released on Sega Mega Drive in 1990. Raise your hand if you thought this was going to be a recent Xbox 360 release. No no no young Bucky, the game industry... Read Full Review
It's only when you delve into the world of drug dealers do you see the solid action-adventure for what it truly is. The game features an over head view of a futuristic fantasy world, in which you play one of two crack... Read Full Review