Like the original game, its just as fun if not more so.

User Rating: 8.5 | Crackdown 2 X360
They took the first and made it better by adding more things to do my favorite is the tactical assaults that you do on the Cell groups, and the new wing suit you get at level five agility. If you played the first one you'll see a lot of the same places you visited in the second one but time took its toll. The whole city looks like it has been in a war zone. Even if you have not played the first one I still recommend this one if you like to play with friends you can have up to four at one time in campaign mode which makes for a lot of fun to pull pranks on them, and the best part is everything transfers back to your campaign except for the missions all you skills (the most important). Even though the added zombies to the game I know not to original but it does take a few years after the prequel so it does have involve the story line. But who does not like to run over hundreds of zombies with cars, trucks, vans, and most of all TANKS.