Crackdown 2 is almost a direct rip off the original. The game itself is not bad, but adds almost nothing to the series.
User Rating: 6.5 | Crackdown 2 X360
Crackdown 2 is a decent game, but if you have played the original it is not worth your time. Nothing about it really changes the series. I felt as if i was playing the original game with a slight addition to weapons. Also the new addition of freaks really took a turn for the worst. Even though at first it is fun driving through hordes of freaks or blowing them up with rocket launchers, it gets old fast. Finally the mission system is very lackluster. It boils down to find X then guard Y. Nothing really drives you to complete the game. That really is the downfall of the game, there is nothing to push the player to beat the game. After I had activated the third beacon I started to wonder what the point of this game is. Overall its just the same old crackdown with the number 2 added to the title.