Crackdown is one of the best next gen games. Not a GTA clone.
User Rating: 9.2 | Riot Act X360
The title doesn't lie one bit. Crackdown is another open box sand game but still, does that take away the fact of it being good? One thing to keep in mind, Crackdown IS NOT a GTA clone in all aspects. With the feature of being a Super Human cop on the Agency side, it definitely is not a GTA clone. There really is no story in Crackdown other than getting all your skills to 4 stars. You skills include: strength, shooting, explosives, driving and agility. You have to kill members of the following gangs in order to boost these skills up: The Los Muertos, The Volk and the Shai-Gen. In that order, it basically ranks the gangs weakest to strongest. If you kill innocent civilians, you skills do not improve but make it so that you have to kill even more gangs members to bring the skills up. Strength: It's probably one the easiest skills to bring up. All you really have to do is kick gang members and throw things at them, per say cars or street lamps. Although once you unlock all four stars on it, you can throw things really far.
Shooting / Explosives: If you read the beginning of this, you should get some idea what you do with these skills. Although if you keep getting different guns from drops, take them to a Agency Supply Point and store them in there to where you have them forever. Same with the cars except you have to drive them back into the Agency, not at th supply points.
Driving: Very fun. This involves either A running over the gang members or B hitting their car which makes them come out and start shooting at you if you kill them with strength,shooting or explosives, you'll earn points in driving and whatever you killed them with. Also with driving you can complete races in order to bring up your driving skill.
Agility: Probably one of the hardest skills to get up. You basically collect orbs on top of buildings and different high places. You can also do foot races that are timed and complete those as well.
Crackdown overall is worth it.