Crackdown is as you know for most gamers just a key to the Halo 3 beta. But some reviews say it is a good game too, and I agree.....sorta. The game is fun because well your just a superpowered cop on steroids. You can throw cars, explosive barrels, and a bunch of other things. The only bad thing is, it just gets boring. When my friend got it I was dying to play it, but after like 50 minutes I said well now what do I do? I am a cop on ultra steroids and Im jumping on roofs and kicking people, is that all? My friend also had the Keys to the City download which let me have a bit more fun spawning explosive barrels, but I was still not satisfied. Most guns fire the same way, besides the harpoon gun of course which also let me have a bit of extra fun, and all cars drive the same way exept the SUV which I can jump in... wow. But seriously I dont understand how this game got such high reviews in some places, because I think its a rent.
Ever wanted to leap tall buildings in a single bound, toss cars like an angry Hulk, and use high-tech weaponry to viciously dismantle powerful criminal organizations with impunity? Crackdown, the first free-roaming actio... Read Full Review
This game had practically no hype until it was announced it would be bundled together with a beta test invitation for one of the biggest and most anticipated game in arguably the whole gaming world. Yet it stands as a go... Read Full Review