With its Super-human powers and extremely fun gameplay ,Crackdown is one 360 game not to be missed !

User Rating: 9.1 | Riot Act X360
When i first got Crackdown , i wasn't too sure how long it was going to last me , although the main story may seem a little short , you'll soon be loading it back up trying to max your stats out. Also , the achievements are fun and are quite easy to get , some more difficult than others , if you know what to do ;)

The gameplay is great with the ability of total freedom! and no invisible walls which is a plus point. Its also fun just jumping from rooftop to rooftop when you need to get from one place to the other. The graphics are easy on the eyes and the sound is spot on! Value for money is good aswell as although you may of finished the main storyline , achievements will keep you occupied for many more weeks to come.

Overall , ive gave Crackdown 9.1 as its a all-round fun gaming experience!