I don't know what is so bad in reviews of this game...I like it...

User Rating: 8.4 | Riot Act X360
I'm not sure why I have read so many reviews about this game that say that it is not so great...I happen to really like this game, leveling up is friggin sweet, and getting to throw cars at gang members as a way to kill them off...priceless...so why is this game received a editorial **** slap from so many people's reviews? Probably because the replay value is low...after maxing your character, it doesn't seem nearly as fun anymore...sure they came out with a thing that you an start the game over as your maxed out character, but why would I want that for more than perhaps one game session of mass killing? So in that aspect I can understand why it is so low in ratings...but jumping from building to building, jumping off the agency tower and actually feeling like you are really falling makes this game the best sandbox game out there. Grand theft auto broke barriers, and this game took advantage of it to the fullest. Give this game a try, and not just for the Halo 3 beta...