A futuristic city, 3 insane gangs and one superhuman cop.

User Rating: 8.5 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is a futuristic game with futuristic feel, granted, you're never going to feel like you've been propelled into the new milenium but it's not exactly present day.

You start your careerin the 'Agengy Tower' a luxury hotel converted into a huge police station. Your first task is to press the A button for a viehcle. Not exactly action packed but it speeds up a little...

Then you drive through a medium length tube (i never said sped up a lot). Depending on which veihcle you picked (Agency Supercar, Agency SUV, Agency Truck Cab) you'll either fly, hop or drive straight through a semi-gun battle between Agency (cops) and Los Muertos (Gang members). Then it starts to hot up a little. Your manly advisor says (in his horribly forced-macho voice) that there's a supply point slightly to the east that you need to retake from from Los Muertos. So you drive (badly) to this supply point, kill the four or five gang members there.

At this point you realise that the supply points are not disimilar to the 'Safehouses' in Just Cause. You can extract to any one of them that you've unlocked at any point, also you can swap your weapon, for any weapon you've taken there, confusing, but you get the general idea after a while.

Once you taken this supply, monkey boy talks to you again and gives you your first target, mercifully, he's very easy.

So, after you run, shoot and jump way to battering your target, your on your own. Sure, Mr Ape gives you guidance, but thats it, you've got to find the gang generals yourself.

Which is where this game falls flat on it's face. There's story, no conspiracy. Nothing linking anything to anything. It's just one gun fight to the next. Sure, it's a lotta fun, butat one point i said to myself, 'all i'm doing here is shooting black people'(cause thats the main colour of most gang members, no racism included).

It's an awesome game for 9 hours but there's real structure. There's the bones of a great game, but nothing to hold them in place. Thankfully the packs keep us enticed mid-september.

If anything, rent it first.