fun. the game is very very fun. don't go looking for a lot of depth and you won't be dissapointed.

User Rating: 8 | Riot Act X360
crackdown is a gta clone. this is true, but it does things so much many ways. of course it's got that fine 360 polish to it, so it's very easy on the eyes. it does the free-roaming so well that right out of the starting gate you can take on a boss if you know how. that's a sandbox game, a real one for ya.

now, the lock-on system sucks. once you manage to lock on to the right's great. zeroing in for headshots with a handgun is very's the getting to that point that they buggered up. the driving also feels very sloppy. you're often times spending all your time behind the wheel fixing the overcorrections in steering. the characters are also very generic, but referred to as ''agent'' the entire time pry just emphasizes that to me. no real plot to speak of, but what did you expect...honestly.

that's enough of the bad. the action is frenetic, the city is complex, and you always feel like there's something to do.

that said it may not be a horrible idea to rent crackdown first and see if you get addicted to it before u buy.