Its a mix between a GTA clone, and Saints Row with some superpowers behind it. Its a quick friday night fix...
User Rating: 7.6 | Riot Act X360
Okay, I'm one of the many thousands that decided to get crackdown for the beta testing Halo 3 oppertunity, go figure. The crackdown gameplay is very easy, quick to learn, and the controls are a cakewalk with not real problems at all other than some points in the game the controls lag just a little. The premise that your a super clone agent fighting crime in a futeristic world has really no back story at all. Start off by looking around the city for trouble and shoot away. Don't forget that the narrative gets old quick, and the bosses that you'll fight are only as hard as jumping into their back yard, or on the top of their tower to take them out with a couple of rockets. Yes, you can go through the front door, but really, opptertunity knocks with a level four star agility meter and you'll be done with the game in 4-6 hours easily. So what's left? Spend the rest of the time powering up and getting achievements if you are a achievement whore. There's rumors that further achievements will be added later on as I can surmise that most of us will have all the achievements within the first two weeks. Not a hard game at all, and co op allows you to get done with the game even faster with a co op achievement. Other than that spend your time becomiing a super clone that can pickup semi's and obtain rights for the biggest power ups for your agency vehicle. In my eyes this is really just a rental if your not into the whole Halo 3 beta option.