Not bad....but not really great either!

User Rating: 7.8 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is a very average sandbox game.....with that said, its still has some great action and open world themes. Gameplay--- the gameplay is pretty fun. however, the skills that u have to unlock take forever to due so....driving sucks until you have a lot of skill in it. the best part is the ability to throw cars and jump really high. the shooting is pretty fun, and there are a lot of guns to choose from. the gameplay is average overall. co-op is pretty lame because there's no variety in it..

Graphics----the graphics are really great....thats probably the best part of the game in my opinion. The huge open world is great and there's lot to see and do...and the world doesnt suffer from lag that much. cars and probably everything have a great shiny look to them. the draw distances are amazing.

Sound---the sound is the worst part of the game in my opinion. while its still good, the music is pretty stupid and there isn't much to it. Custom soundtracks would have been a cool feature like in saint's row.

Value----the game wont last you that long for an open world game, since the story is pretty short. the co-op adds little value since it's pretty vague. the optional side quests are just kind of there such as ur average races (w/out any opponents,,,its against the clock, which sucks) and kill this in this amt. of time crap...

Tilt-----Overall, this game is very average but still is a lot of fun. there's a huge world to explore with graphics that are great. the action is fun for a while and the skills are great once you max them out. the concept is a lot of fun, and if realtime studios/ Microsoft work to fix these problems....the next game will be great. there's a lot of potential from this game in the future.