Great game to play with freinds anytime!

User Rating: 8.5 | Riot Act X360
Since there is no story besides you cleaning up some gangs I will go ahead and move on to the other areas of the review.

GAMEPLAY: This is where my classification comes in; "Just plain fun" The game is not deep or too complicated or hard to understand. Since most gamers have played Grand Theft Auto most will get the game instantly, most of the controlls are the same and there are no suprises there (and thats a good me) the greater thing is that it is just fun to play! The RPG elements work greatly to the games engaging play that just won't let you go. You want to play the game just one hour extra to get that last agility orb or do the last race and that works wonderfully. The missions are fun to do even if they diversify objective wilse very little. Pacific City is my personal favorite setting for a sandbox game mainly for the diverse areas and interesting places to visit.


GRAPHICS: The game has an interesting style in the graphics department. In the fashion of Legend of Zelda WW the characters are cell shaded and really make you feel like you are IN a comic book. But my biggest problem with the graphics is that while beautifull looking it does sometimes look like the devs gave up half way with the graphics and then went for an easier comic style...usually that is not the case. The areas are colorfull and are not similar at all and make you relate to where you are by looking at a signature statue and building.


SOUND: Now, this subject is sound but all the same I must comment about the soundtrack. Unlike Grand Theft Auto the soundtrack lacks horribly and is un rememberable. The best thing I can say is that there are a lot of em and that they tell you which island you are on. Otherwise the sounds are great as you can tell the shotgun from a sniper rifle from a pistol. 8/10

VALUE: This game is at the length of around Saints Row's. The single player can be done at your leasure and afterward you can have fun by playing after you beat it with crimes on or off and can get achievements or just HAVE FUN. Then you can play it with your friends and beat it with them for even more fun and even more experimentation with the game's great physic mechanics.