7.8? 7.8! The gamespot reviewer who incorrectly scored Crackdown with a piddly 7.8 needs to put the crack down.

User Rating: 9.5 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is a sandbox - a place to play. Don't give me this crap about the story being weak. The story is there to give reason to play and play we do. I've not played a game, with the exception of Crackdown, where the players were so intent on just that, playing.

I can't tell you the times when events have transpired, either as a result of myself or co-op buddy and/or the games AI/event engine which have caused side crunching laughter that has left both parties breathless.

7.8! What a bunch of tools. 7.8! You gave GOW a what? A 9.6? F GOW! I mean it. It was a pretty game. A pretty and very repetitious game. A pretty and repetitious game which was plagued, online, by the same **** who ruined H2 MP for good.

Crackdown, my young tools, is a the kind of game which inspires players to play. It isn't the same old FPS. It isn't a GTA knock-off like Saints Row. Crackdown is what all games should be. A unique and full experience that leaves gamers wanting to do nothing more, than play.