When you get Hulk Ultimate Destruction and GTA you get Crackdown

User Rating: 7 | Riot Act X360
Yep those two games some up Crackdown exept theres not really a real story goin on except saving a city from a bunch of thugs. I was really hopeing this was my favorite game on the 360 but nope it gets old very fast. I mean as soon as you upgrade your Agent to Max the guns become useless and driving cars become useless, you can beat the main bosses with kicking him or her to death which is the easiest way to kill them. I kinda like the music and theres underground bands that I was surprise they were in there, like Celldweller but then agian its instrumental which I was disappointed. I can use my music from the hard drive which is cool but damn 105 songs and allmost all of them all suck. Theres nothing else I can say about Crackdown. I might sell it. I kinda like Keys to the city but I pick it up once in a while but its collecting dust like my Smackdown Vs Raw 08 game.

Graphics 8/10
Sound 6/10
Gameplay 7/10
Replay Value 7/10