DJ's review of Crackdown

User Rating: 8.2 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown tried to be innovative, but unfortunately it is not.You can't blame them for trying.Crackdown turned out to be GTA with super powers, which is the best way to describe it.
The graphics in this game are good, but could have been the same on X-Box.
The soundtrack for this game sucks.You get repetitive voice overs, and alright sounding guns.
The gameplay can be addicting, but it is nothing to just rave about.All you do is fight crime, find orbs, and constantly find gang bosses.The game is also pretty short.There is X-Box Live play on it, but I havn't bothered to even try it.
In the end this game is pretty good.That's it.Rent it before you buy it.