totally underwhelming, gta it aint.

User Rating: 3.8 | Riot Act X360
i had huuuuuuge hopes for crackdown, along the lines of gta + with superpowers and cell graphics ( my weakness ) but all in all this is a thoroughly disappointing game.

il start with the halo 3 beta, not everyone gets it and im willing to bet this game sold at least twice what it would of without the beta

secondly the whole superpowers thing, great fun well for a while yes i suppose it is, lifting trucks and throwing them mid jump into a crowd of gangbanger is quite fun BUT in the 4 days ive had the game ive levelled up to max, on all skills just by playing the game for say 16 hours.

the missions well theyre boring, essentially go here, find a boss then kill em, and repeat 21 times and youve completed the game. its just really dull the vehicles are boring and uninspoired , you dont run around looking for a car and look at the crowd of motors and think "il have this one over that one" because theyre all crap. the agency cars are cool but you have to go all the way back to get em.

achievements are fun but the hardest was climbing the agency tower and jumping off, which took about an hour once id completed the game. all said and done maybes im to much of a gaming whiz and finished the game to quick but i doubt it its just a poor game that mainly sold on the back of the beta. i rented it so im thankfull i did as if id bought it i would of been very annoyed