Crackdown - All its cracked up to be?

User Rating: 6.3 | Riot Act X360
Crackdown is the creation from the same company that created Halo and whilst making Halo 3 , have found enough time on their hands to make this , you play a cop of the future with superpowers who takes out all the criminals who work for the 3 rival gangs , Los Muertos , Shai Gen and The Volk . There are 21 Bosses to kill and 5 skills to max out , thats pretty much it .
Crackdown is a good game butit tends to repeat itself and lacks significant depth . If this game is supposed to contend with the GTA series , a lot of changes need to be made . When you take out all the leaders the game just ends really as you can just patrol the city taking out every gang member that you rarely see . The driving on this game isnt great either , you can get 3 cars from the agency each with a different power but even that gets repetitive .
Crackdown is good for about a week ( how long it took me to complete ) but after that there's no point to it .