A game with so much fun disappoints me.
The bad news first, the gameplay is entertaining at first but when you start to play for a couple of hours straight it becomes for a job then a fun experience as the gangs will come after you instead you going after them. The driving sucks in Crackdown as you can barely turn the wheel and it is somewhat unresponsive. The storyline, again, has no depth to it.
The good news is that your agent is super powered and you can raise these skills by killing people with your hands, guns, driving (good luck on that) and you can raise agility by finding green orbs on top of rooftops everywhere in the city or by finishing rooftop races which is you against the clock (also for driving races) and you can play online with a friend.
The graphics: The graphics are okay. I don't think they are top notch 360 graphics. You can see some glitches here and there.
Lags: The game lags from only one little thing and that is when pipes moves and create sounds at the same time. It goes away after a couple of seconds.
Overall: Crackdown is a fun game but after you max out your agent, you might go for the achievements and you might just want to start a huge war against everyone. With a little more depth and a little less gameplay this would've been a solid B+ game. I would recommend it to anyone who likes open world games but to others who love storyline games, maybe rent it or buy something else.