Crackdown is great!it's a riot!it's challenging fun to play and most of all it is a full scale riot.

User Rating: 8.9 | Riot Act X360
crackdown is brilliant!words can't describe how much fun it is it's one of those games where you are addicted to collecting agily orbs to upgrade your'e agent all the time it's so fun!but to be honest a lot of people bought crackdown for the halo mutiplayer beta for live,everyone did'nt pay much attention to crackdown because people was saying it was'nt that good.
well real time worlds proved us wrong because it is a riot!.

the story is that pacific city has been overun by tree main gangs the los meurtes the shai gen and the volk and are tearing the city apart.

that is when the turbo charge agent steps in to the line of fire!

well that is all i have to say because crackdown is so much fun! words can't describe how good it acutally is.