Fun until you get deep down into the game formula

User Rating: 6 | Riot Act X360
so crackdown had just came out, I went to the shop that morning and brought it straight away, I had been waiting for about 2 months and could not wait. That night I played Crackdown and thought "Wow this game is better than I expected". Fantastic visuals, great abilities making for an original title and of course the option to play co-op on-line. What more could I have asked for? Two weeks later and I complete the game and nearly have all the gamer points... I'm thinking I should take it back. What good are fantastic visuals when you've seen everything? What good are great abilities when you have nothing worth using them on, and what good is on-line play when you and your friend just run around and do whatever you'd do in 1 player?... This game is like bubblegum, yes... Bubblegum. It has a nice shiny shell and is really big at the start but once you get down to the middle it gets more and more sour (the bad kind of sour :)) the replay-ability wears thin quickly when you've discovered all there is in the game to discover. I don't recommend this game if your looking for a long in depth game. Unless your one of those sad people who watch the same movie over and over again and know all the words (common with Monsters INC).
Also one noticeable let down of the game is the story which I think was incredibly terrible. It feels rushed and under-worked. Overall this game is let down by its replay-ability, game length and story which all fall short of what could of been a fantastic title as even game spot said themselves. This game lacks any real backbone. Good for a rent but not the best thing to buy.