a free action game

User Rating: 7.5 | Riot Act X360
this game is like a sandbox game but is only about shooting,jumping and driving. this makes the game fun and direct but makes the game a little bit repetitive.

In this game you are a genetic modified super agent that has to fight against 3 criminal factions. you only have to defeat the leader but this is very hard if you never defeat the 6 captains of this faction first. so you have to go searching for the place were this captains are and defeat them. you got experience points from the enemies to make you stronger and capable of defeating the next faction.

the experience system is a little bit simple what is exactly right for this kind of gameplay(fast and without unnecessary complications)

the game gives you absolutely freedom, but the problem is that except eliminating the factions,a few racings,and getting experience there is not much to do. and the city is more a "playground" for your superjumps than anything else, and excepting cars,and trucks there are only 3 super vehicles that change depending on your driving experience level. there are no bikes,helicopters or tanks, driving is only a faster form to go through places were you have never been because the city is filed with teleporters.

if you are searching for a free action game this is you game.