Probably one of the best games on PS1

User Rating: 9.5 | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex no Gyakushuu! (PlayStation the Best for Family) PS
Crash Bandicoot is one of the most enjoyable platformers I've ever played. You start off in a circular room where you can choose to play in one of five levels. Once you enter the level you must traverse through the level and attain the crystal which you must collect to get through to the next warp room. You can also try to get the gems by hitting all of the crates in any given level. Although this is a very simple formula it offers hours of entertainment.

Many of the levels contain secrets which gives the game a little more length. Their are many secret levels that you can get to in the weirdest ways. Their is a group of non-exploding nitro's, a weird drop, and a long jump. Their is a lot you must do to get 100% which makes this game great.

If you have a chance I believe you should buy this game.
