Crash Bandicot: The Wrath of Cortex is fun, but it has the longest loading times of ALL TIME.

User Rating: 7 | Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (Platinum) PS2

The Good:
-Crash has a few new moves
-Vehichle levels are extremely entertaining
-Better savabilty then previous crash games
-Diverse Gameplay

The Bad:
-Coco's levels are frustrating, boring, and overall no way near as fun as crash's levels.
-Looong loading times

Well, I got this game as a gift and I am impressed with it so far, it has many levels and good boss fights, and crash can drive many excellent vehichles, which are definetely the best part of this edition to the crash series. The addition of Coco Bandicoot as a playable character is completely uneeded, as playing as Crash through the levels in the game is good enough. Cocc's levels will frustrate you alot. What I like about this game is the warp through which lets you choose between the next five levels, so yu don't have to play a level the game chooses next. The Vehicle levels are graet, and Crash can fly a plane, scuba dive, wear a giant robot suit, drive mine carts, drive jeeps, and more.There are 5 different places to visit in The Wrath of Cortex(One is bonus), each has 5 levels and a boss(No boss in the bonus). The levels get chalenging as you progress, but they are mainly the same the whole way through.

Overall, this game is an amazingly fun platformer that would be recomended to any crash fan or platform lover.
