An Improvement On The-Already Picture Perfect Platformer
Unfortunately, it also introduces the time relics. These are unnecessary, and should be added as an available feature for those who want to collect them, but they shouldn't be necessary to the 100% completion of the game. Some say there's a secret boss that lets you fight Uka Uk, but I've never got to it ever. Unfortunately, the game maintains a slightly looser control. However, the bosses aren't too hard, but the'yre not as easy as Crash 1's bosses either. And the secret world is very impressive. There are also 2 secret levels that you can find by performing certain tasks in 2 of the levels. Ubnfortunately this is maintained from "Crash Bandicoot 2", one of the games lower features. I think once you find a secret level, you should see it in the game's secret world. To unlock the secret world, you have to collect the 1st five time relics. This is a pain. Also the game comes with some very funny cut-scenes, showing characters yelling at Crash, usually. Cortex continuously complains about his head, which can get annoying after a while, and all the Crash games (so far) force you to go through the credits. It would be extremely nice if you could just go and fight the last boss without worrying about how you have to go through the credits. Unfortunately this is not the case. And, to go along with that, the credits seem to take forever.
These problems are all minor things when you compare them to the games bright graphics, the millions of unlockables (inlcuding an ugly version of Crash, who was later named Fake Crash, dancing in 3 different levels of the game), the fun rides, the wonderful designs, and the games witty storyline. Yes, pick this game up if you can find it anywhere.