The first game I ever played on my own playstation 1 in 1996.
This game is nostalgia for 100% for me. Played this game when I was 6 years old. I still play this game when I am in a nostalgic mood, and still I love this game. This game as a good style, crash is cool, he is like a macho. That is why, when I was 6 years old I choose him instead of sonic or mario. He was the coolest guy of all. Know I still think he is cool, and funny. (except on the new crash bandicoot games who are dissapointing).
The level design is old school, but that doesn't matter, I love the level design. Just running up or down the screen, or running from left to right like a classic platform game.
The story is not special, but in this game a story doesn't matter, it is all about the fun and the gameplay. He wants to rescue his girl, and thats all.
Sometimes it is frustrating when you get stuck somwhere, and you try over and over again to go to the next level. But so what, when you done it, you are happy that you have done it =D. It is very statisfying.
But you will allmost never get stuck. It is a short game. And the bosses are really simple. But when I was 6 years old, this game was really hard for me.
It's like watching nickolodeon. I even prefer this kind of grafics over the new next-gen grafics. These grafics are fun, not showing details just the big lines, that makes everything look like a cartoon. And because of that everything is happy to see, and everything looks cool. It's not because things look detailed that they are better.
I think there is nothing more to say about a old game. It is easy, straight foward. No freedom. Just follow the road from the beginning of the game to the end, without thinking. Set your mind to zero, and start playing. Before you know it, you are at the end of the game. And you had some good old fun.