Solid platformer, awesome level design, but gets repetitive and needlessly difficult towards the tail end of game.
* Graphics, color, and level design
* Many unique obstacles
* Highly challenging/addictive gameplay
* Sluggish controls (no analog) -- makes it needlessly difficult to jump on angled ledges, and as a consequence, suffer lots of random dieing/restarting.
* Playing the same levels over and over because of constant dieing -- fun for a while, but gets frustrating and repetitive towards the end where more difficult levels await.
* Too much jumping -- Crash has a spin-attack move, but you can get by most of the game without using it. The game challenges you mostly with timing/jumping, which is fun, but gets a bit repetitive/tiring as progress is made.
* Boss battles are short and lack depth/creativity.
Buy the game if you enjoy the genre. It includes a lot of the great things that make platform gaming fun/addicting. 15 years later, this game rivals current generation offerings. And you can't beat the bargain bin price it comes with.