Crash Bash is a fun party game with a rare ability to work an intresting story into the game.
Basically, Aku Aku and Uka Uka (the two masks for those who aren't ######## fans) are arguing over which is stronger, good or evil. Instead of settling the dispute like men in an epic battle with explosions, girls in bikinis, espoinage, guns, and car chases as far as the eye can see, they decided to hold a competition between the goodies and the baddies, but, since the teams are uneven, Dingodile and Tiny Tiger are stuck on the good guys team.
You can play as characters from all the games , from Crash and Coco, to Koala Kong (the koala boss from the first one) and N. Brio. You'll duke it out in all sorts of matches, which include deathmatch, a pong-like game with four people, racing, and more. These are all fun, and each have their own music which really suit the challenge. All the characters have the same stats, which makes it fair, does make it seem pointless not to just make you be Crash, other than the sake of having more than one player. You can play one player, but the game really stands out in multiplayer, as you blow each other up and basically hurt each other.
The game is fairly easy, and their is a shortage of games, but it still holds up as an accountable Crash title, recommended for any fan of Crash Bandicoot or party games.