This game is great for playing with more then 1 player.
I growned up with this game and i allways hat fun.
I tried to play this always with my friends or family.
This is a real party game :)
Pro : This game is fun with friends or family (if they want),
there are enough characters to choose,
It are funny games,
doesn't get boring so fast,
the minigames (or party games) are funny,
Funny characters,
it gets a little harder when you play with more players.
The game is original.
Contra : Many games are the same just the landscape is been changed other map,
the graphics are not very good because the other old crash bandicoot games had better graphics
The game is very easy on single player.
the story is notraly good it allmost has no story.
the bots are not realy smart that makes it so easy.
I say this game is funny and worth to play it :)