Great party game, but gets boring after a while. Perfect example of what happened to the franchise when Naughty Dog left

User Rating: 7.5 | Crash Bash PS
This is a brilliant party game that can keep you going for hours! The graphics are really good, but the characters can get a bit glitchy and jerky at times (especially when there is 3-4 players at a time). I love this game, me and my family used to spend hours playing this game when I was just getting into gaming and as a five-year old I saw it as a great game!

I wouldn't suggest playing this game on your own because it gets very boring after 30-50 minutes, nowadays you will most certainly find this game in any old bargain-bin.

There are about 28 or so mini-games that are very fast paced and competitive. This game still retains it's colourful 3D polygon graphics, and unlike Mario Party games has a more freestyle feel to it.

It isn't the best party game I have played but it is a pretty good one I have to admit, I would recommend this game to anyone who likes classic fun!