The most fun Party Game I've ever played.
Plot: Aku Aku and Uka Uka are angry at each other and then decide to bring out all of their best players to all compete in a "whoever gets the most trophies/gems/crystals wins" competition, and now for no raisin Dingodile and Tiny are on Aku Aku's side, because Uka Uka is a cheap s.o.b. that almost got away with having 6 players his team versus 2 on Aku's.
Game Play: The same Crash Bandicoot style gameplay, but different. (I still completely hate all of the hockey-pong type games, because I'm no good at them. ;-;)
Graphics: Eh, not the best I've ever seen, but nothing complain about, it's more or less the same as previous games, just probably a little tweaking here and there.
Sound: Pretty much the same as any other Crash Bandicoot game there's ever been in the world, nothing to really say here.
Audio: The same loving Crash Bandicoot fast paced jungle-type music you would hear in every other game, and who could forget Dingodile's boss theme from CB2 (I think) featured in one of the racing levels.
Conclusion: If you like crash bandicoot games and party games, buy this game. If you're a grump that sits inside all day and hates everyone and everything especially party games and crash bandicoot, buy this game.